Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nuit Blanche

This was the first time we all hung out wiht the guys in a very long time. I think the only thing we actually did was watch Chief Eagle test tickle or w.e his/her name was. he/she was in a nice dress on a platform beating a drum, and everytime he/she danced, the crowd cheered. We got glowsticks too. and then the guys left and we went to eat at thai express.

Summer Adventures 2010

Get churr summer shoes on!

He was a friendly man.

spicy fish balls with the jenster!

this was from chasing bad guys

and i was chasing some bad guys...

These boat shoes are so stylin. showed off my boat shoe tan line to all my frands.

My best of art.
I had to go to summer school in July at Forest Hill. My teacher played in Olympics for hockey. His name is something Anderson. I didn't make any friends there. Except this guy named Shadrack. Then after that -_- month I worked at the Ex for the last 2 weeks of summer at the Duck Pond. I met a cool friend, her name is cindy and she is the same background as me. and another mentionable is jacklyn, yep yep. and i made other friends too. it was fun wiht the girls workin at OP coming to visit me, and soem friends working for the green team haha! i used to call the green team when there was that super windy rain storm where the lightbulbs from our stand fell from the roof and shattered on the gruond. the duck pond was fun, but they also put me on the other side, at darts. that was hell. nobody plays that game, and u have to blow water balloons all the time. It was cool getting free food from friends working c: oh! and i remember there was this hobo-looking man who was fat and wore the same clothes that had had holes eveyrtime he came around, and he spoke mumbly, and u could always tell when he was around even tho u couldn't see him cuz he stank so bad. but when he came he wud always be carrying bags filled with stuffed animals, and he wud play my game everytime we had a new stuffed animal. when he played a game, he went in his pocket, and pulled out rolls of money! it was so :S and he wud always keep playing until he got the toy he didn't have yet. my coworker was telling me he came around last year too and did the same thing. oh! and the deep fried butter stand was right across from my stand where the line was always huge. chocolate covered bacon, deep fried mars... people would always come askign where it is. and the line stretched really far. man o man, pretty fun summer job. and then there was that time we went to the beach for a campfire at the beach for emelly's birthday! c:

Salmon Head

My love for sushi. So in the past month, i've eaten all-you-can-eat sushi at Aji Sai twice in 2 weeks. The first saturday i went with teresacat. i said i was going to eat my money's worth and eat til i can't move. and i did. We ordered a little more than we could eat, so i had to hide the sushi covered in napkins in my pockets cause we ain't payin for it! I actually couldn't do anything for the rest of the night cause my stomach was packed, and I had to walk home very slowly (just across the street).
Then the next wednesday, me and teresa went to aji sai again but with emelly this time. and somebody went home with a phone number AHHAHAHHA!!! We ordered too much again... but i ate the extra basket of sweet potatoe (mmmm...) and then the rest was pocketed in napkins. When we were leaving, this guy ordered 10 handrolls for himself. Then we went to a vintage shop and my stomach felt like exploding so i went home and girlies stayed there, and then when i got home i puked in the toilet. but then i felt so much better so i just went online and talked to arnoldy and told him how full i was. Then he started talking about kpop to me, like how he does everyday c:

Last day of school 2010

Later, Jarvis....til nxt year.

James Cordon

best teacher in the world.

Moss at Oss

And this was where I threw a house party. 2 floors + basement + backyard. Music that shook the whole house. SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS. Windows broken.. strangers having sex up stairs... lightbulbs in the toilet.. drinks stolen... GREEN ROOM hahaha... i know that pissed people off. glowsticks!!! mopping floors the next morning and cleaning up puke... just me and bilas<3 . good thing i went early that morning, we were done at 11am, and when i got home, my mom was leaving to go there. other than that, it was fun. and i wished i still had that sketch house, but its renovated now, and unpartyable. but thanks to everyone for helping, the girls for being the girls :) sathish for kicking out the people having sex, chaya for being the body guard and protecting the girls, pol for being a funny person, azaan for keeping me company, BIIiiiilaAAASS!!!! and my brother for letting me pull this off!! ..oh and eveyroen who came :)

my birthday is coming up!! this is gonna be fun...

bad cars

spotted on augusta

spotted on college and bathurst at taste of little italy

so cool with his booster juice


T.I.Ts !!! JULIEEEeee :) i dont know the other girls' names but they're bad gyals

RAW CREW!!! jimmy lin, david forteu, mikey le and greg